Adaptive Concert: Pratibha Arts in collaboration with Xenia Concerts

Living Arts Centre 24/25 Season Event

drummer and dancer in cultural attire

Experience the classical arts of Kathak dance and Tabla drumming originating from North India! Featuring interactive storytelling through Indian classical hand gestures known as mudras, the performance will display rhythmic complexity and dynamic movement language. This Adaptive music and dance performance is being presented in Mississauga for the first time, in a family-friendly, inclusive environment that embraces neurodiversity and disability.

Download the Venue Guide

Featured Artists

Pratibha Arts

Bageshree Vaze, dancer and vocalist

Vineet Vyas, tabla

Raghav Monga, dancer

Pankaj Mishra, sarangi

Concert Accessibility Features

  • All expressions welcome! Feel free to make noise, get up, or stim!
  • Wheelchair accessible venue
  • Gender-neutral, wheelchair accessible washrooms
  • PDF Venue Guide
  • Accessible PDF concert programs and listening guide emailed before event
  • Fidget toys and noise-cancelling earmuffs can be provided upon request (please bring your own if you can)
  • Flexible seating and a separate area for breaks
  • Stretch breaks
  • Visual schedule
  • Xenia Concerts can also provide live ASL interpretation at our events upon request, given sufficient lead time. If you would like to request ASL interpretation, please send a request to at least ten (10) days before the event.

Questions and Accessibility Requests

Xenia Concerts is committed to meeting the needs of our audience to the best of our abilities. If you have a question or request, we really do want to hear from you!

For accessibility and general inquiries, please contact Xenia Concerts at or call 437-441-7543.

COVID Safety

  • Masks are recommended
  • If you have any symptoms of COVID or another infectious illness, please stay home regardless of test results
  • Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the venue
    Xenia supports the use of PPE and other personal protective measures. Please feel free to bring your own protective supports as needed.

Thanks to Event Partners

One Health Partners, Autism Ontario, Autism Canada, and The Lotus Centre

Thanks To Event Funders

The Canada Council for the Arts, The Ontario Arts Council, The Toronto Arts Council, The Government of Canada, The Azrieli Foundation, Unity for Autism, The George C. Hunt Family Foundation, in honour of R.S. Williams & Sons Company Ltd., TD, and Xenia Concerts donors.


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