Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

In progress City project

Cycling Infrastructure Study: Aquitaine, Argentia and Millcreek (Ward 9)

The City conducting a study to find out which cycling infrastructure should be permanently implemented on three corridors in Ward 9.

Reason for the study

We’re aiming to build complete streets that make it safer and more accessible for all road users across the City. To make these improvements, we’re studying three roads in Ward 9 to explore potential permanent infrastructure we can implement in the future.

The three roads include:

  • Aquitaine Avenue (Tenth Line West to Millcreek Drive)
  • Argentia Road (signalized driveway east of Winston Churchill Boulevard to Turner Valley Road)
  • Millcreek Drive (Derry Road West to Britannia Road West)

We will use the data from the study to select and recommend the best design alternative that embodies the complete streets philosophy, as well as the multi-modal and Vision Zero approaches aimed at making the roads more accessible, safe, and comfortable for all road users.

Public engagement

Starting in spring 2025, the City will hold open houses (also called Public Information Centres) to consult the public about the project and to check-in about the ongoing Aquitaine Avenue interim 3-lane plus bicycle lane configuration.

For more information about this project, email Jacqueline Hunter, Transportation Demand Coordinator, at Jaqueline.hunter@mississauga.ca.

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