Development application OPA 22-29 W4

Status: Under review
Address: 99, 189, 199, 209, 219, 299 and 309 Rathburn Road West, and 97 and 100 City Centre Drive
Owner: OPG SQ1 Holdings Inc., ARI SQ1 Holdings Inc., OMERS Realty Management Corporation and Square One Property Corporation

Proposed development

Application includes:

  • Redesignate certain blocks within the Rathburn District north of Rathburn Road West from the ‘Office’ land use designation to ‘Downtown Mixed Use’
  • Expand the land use permissions for all blocks to allow for life science uses
  • No development is proposed at this time


Project documents

Contact us

City Planner

For more information on this application, email City Planner Jonathan Famme at

Ward Councillor

Ward 4 Councillor John Kovac