Development application OZ/OPA 24-8 W11 and 21T-M 24-4 W11

Status: Appealed
Address: 120, 128, 142, 154, 158 Queen Street South and 169 Crumbie Street
Owner: Dezen Realty Company Limited

Proposed development

Application includes:

  • A phased development consisting of 5 mixed-use buildings with 8 towers and heights ranging from 2 to 15 storeys
  • New public roads
  • Public and private open space
  • The first phase would consist of two 13 storey buildings along Queen Street South and a proposed plan of subdivision for roads and development blocks


Project documents

Contact us

City Planner

For more information on this application, email City Planner Matthew Shilton at

Ward Councillor

Ward 11 Councillor Brad Butt