Long Division

LeuWebb Projects, artist sketch for Long Division

LeuWebb Projects

While barriers are often implicated in larger concerns related to control and power structures, fences can also provide security and sanctuary. 

Drawing out these tensions, LeuWebb's site-specific work aims to use the fence as a starting off point to consider how the land around Bradley Museum has been occupied, settled and colonized. 

Looking both forward and backwards, LeuWebb calls into question, as they note, the site's origins while looking to the fence to expand outward to the current and near future ideas of nation and boundary, impermeability of borders and the shifting relationships and attitudes toward migrant's and refugee's freedom of movement. 

The artists further explain that this work ‘engages in a dialogue with the Bradley Museum site and adds a new critical layer that opens up questions about control, exclusion and inclusion, ultimately seeking to complicate the idea of the fence through subverting its function and formal qualities, inviting the potential for play and participatory structural manipulations.’

Founded by Christine Leu and Alan Webb, LeuWebb Projects operates at a variety of scales and across a range of disciplines. Light, space, texture and sound are key components of their work that they weave together through the innovative use of materials and technologies to create site-specific art that is not only seen, but is also experienced. Their collaborative practice draws on art and architecture, embracing the process of creative exploration to produce moments of beauty in the public realm. 

They seek to engage people with both the tangible and the ephemeral aspects of everyday life by creating art that stimulates curiosity, suggests play, and inspires its participants. They have lived and worked in Montreal, New York, London, Denmark, Rome and Helsinki, and currently reside in Toronto.

This installation is presented as part of ‘Public Volumes’, a large-scale project taking place across the Small Arms Inspection Building, Bradley Museum and the Great Hall at Mississauga Civic Centre.

Multiple day event Apr 6 - May 5, 2019