News release

Changes to Licensing of Vendors at Special Events & Farmer’s Markets

Local government | May 27, 2015

The City’s Vendors, Vehicle Licensing and Ice Cream Truck Vendors By-laws were amended to streamline the process for vendors to be licensed at special events and farmer’s markets. The changes take effect on May 27.

Special event organizers have greater responsibility to ensure vendors meet municipal by-laws.  Vendors are licensed at events for consumer protection and public safety.  With the new process special event organizers will be responsible for ensuring payment of vendors fees and insurance and any documents to ensure public safety.

Highlights of requirements include but are not limited to:

  • Liability insurance
  • Technical standards
  • Peel Region Health inspections

This new process will involve one application and one fee with vendors working directly with event organizers.

For details read: Recommended Changes to the Vendor By-law 522-04, as amended, Vehicle Licensing By-law 520-04, as amended, and Ice Cream Truck Vendors By-law 523-04, as amended, for Special Event Licensing

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