COVID-19 | January 3, 2022
Today, the Government of Ontario announced new measures in response to the rapid spread of Omicron in Ontario. Effective January 5, at 12:01 a.m., Ontario will return to the Modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen.
The City of Mississauga is adjusting its programs and services accordingly, including closing all fitness and gym facilities, cancelling ticketed events, and operating libraries by curb-side pick-up only.
“I know Mississauga residents are tired, frustrated and anxious and these measures are not how we wanted to start the New Year,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “The Omicron variant is very transmissible and case counts are the highest we have seen thus far in the pandemic. We need to work together to limit the spread and protect our hospital capacity. We must focus on solutions and supporting our businesses most impacted. Please continue to do your part to limit the spread by booking your first, second or booster doses and limiting indoor, unmasked contact with those outside your household.”
City of Mississauga Service Updates:
Community Centres and Cultural Facilities:
Meeting and Event Spaces:
Entertainment and sporting events:
Food Services:
Outdoor Sports and Recreational Fitness:
For more information regarding City service impacts, please visit
Vaccination Update
Residents are reminded that Peel Public Health (PPH) is offering booster shots as quickly as possible through various clinics across the region. In addition to PPH clinics, many pharmacies and primary care providers are offering vaccinations. To book your first, second or booster shot, please visit the Ontario COVID-19 Vaccination Portal.
In addition, on December 30, 2021 the province provided updated guidance on COVID-19 isolation requirements and testing.
Media Contact:
City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151