News release

Mississauga Responds to Proposed Provincial Plan to Increase Supply of Affordable Housing

Local government | September 7, 2016

Mississauga’s Planning and Development Committee yesterday approved staff’s comments on provincial legislation that would give municipalities additional tools to create more affordable housing.

The Province introduced Bill 204 – the Promoting Affordable Housing Act in May 2016. This would give municipalities the authority to require developers to include affordable housing in new developments through Inclusionary Zoning.

The Province has asked for input on numerous items, including:

  • the number of units that must be affordable
  • length of time the units must remain affordable, and
  • standards required of the units (size, parking)

The staff report supports a flexible approach. This approach would allow affordable units to be built offsite where a contribution for Inclusionary Zoning would not be practical, as well as cash-in-lieu that could be put toward building more affordable units.

“Mississauga welcomes the opportunity to work with the Government of Ontario to ensure affordable housing choices are available in our communities,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We are encouraged by the Province’s commitment to provide tools to help the City protect and improve its supply of affordable housing now and for the future.”

The report will go forward to Council for comments and approval.

“We are pleased to help shape the Promoting Affordable Housing Act so that it can best meet the needs of Mississauga’s residents,” said Ed Sajecki, Commissioner, Planning and Building. “By working together and sharing ideas, we are able to develop the tools that will help create more sustainable affordable housing across the City.”

The City is developing an affordable housing program in partnership with the Region of Peel and other agencies and stakeholders. The program is expected to be established by the end of 2016.

Media Contact:
Cynthia Ulba
Senior Communications Advisor
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200, ext. 5051
TTY: 905-896-5151