News release

Mississauga to Regulate Transportation Network Companies

Local government | May 12, 2016

This week, Mississauga City Council approved:

• That the Public Vehicle Licensing By-law be amended for the regulation of transportation network companies (TNCs) where TNCs will be required to obtain a broker licence and operate using only licensed taxi and limousine drivers, operating licensed taxi and limousine vehicles.
• That the Public Vehicle Licensing By-law will be amended to facilitate licensed taxi and limousine drivers being able to work for more than one brokerage.
• That staff be directed to report back to the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee on ways to modernize the regulation of taxi and limousine industries.

Also approved was the creation of a committee to develop a pilot program for TNCs to operate in Mississauga under Council regulation.

Regulation of TNCs
“Safety and consumer protection are key in this important service,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We will be watching this particular form of regulation carefully to ensure we are meeting the needs of our residents, businesses and taxi industry.  We have provided the protection the industry needs and the pilot will enable consumer choice. The committee and pilot program will help us reach a solution for Mississauga.”

“With amendments to the Public Vehicle Licensing Bylaw, we will have a framework that works for Mississauga,” said Ron Starr, Ward 6 Councillor and Public Vehicle Advisory Committee Chair. “The industry is going through a great deal of change and this will make the system fair while maintaining safety. I look forward to the work on the committee to develop an appropriate pilot program.”

Pilot Program
Mississauga City Council passed a resolution to create a committee to develop a one year pilot to determine how TNCs will operate in Mississauga under Council regulation.

The committee is to be comprised of Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Councillor Ron Starr, Ward 6; Councillor Karen Ras, Ward 2; a citizen representative from the Public Vehicle Advisory Committee, one representative each from the taxi industry and transportation network companies.  The committee is to work with the City’s Enforcement Division to develop a report on a pilot framework for the September 21, 2016 General Committee meeting.

TNCs have been instructed to cease operations until the pilot is instituted. Non-compliance will result in the committee being dissolved.


Public Vehicle Licensing By-law
The City of Mississauga’s Public Vehicle Licensing By-law regulates transportation services provided by public vehicles. This by-law ensures public and consumer safety, driver safety and consumer protection for public vehicle transportation services.  TNCs are operating in Mississauga in violation of the by-law.

For more information, read: Regulation of TNC Report

Studies and Reports
Two studies were conducted by the City of Mississauga:
• Taxicab and Accessible Plate Issuance Models and Taxi Fares
The study and report includes recommendations on the by-law provisions to issue taxicab plates and accessible taxicab plates as well as the setting of fares.
• Study of Regulation of Transportation Network Companies A study and report was prepared on how other jurisdictions (Canada, United States, Europe) are regulating TNCs and to evaluate policy alternatives.

Media Contact:
Catherine Monast
Senior Communications Advisor
Transportation and Works
City of Mississauga
905-615-3200 ext. 5046
TTY: 905-896-5151