Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

Media story

Reminder to keep wildlife wild

City services | November 7, 2023

Wildlife becomes more active in our neighbourhoods and parks as the weather changes. Mississauga is home to diverse wildlife, such as white-tailed deer, raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, foxes and coyotes, and a wide variety of birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Skunk looking around while in the grass

The City’s many parks, conservation areas and natural green spaces provide ample space for wildlife to thrive. However, it’s important to remember that these animals are wild and we should treat them respectfully and cautiously.

Keep them wild

Feeding wild animals or leaving out food or garbage can lead to unhealthy diets, dependence on humans and the loss of their fear of humans. To help protect the wildlife in our community, the City is reminding residents about the importance of coexisting with wildlife responsibly and safely.

Keep them safe

A red fox coming out of its den under a deck

Keep a safe distance

Never approach or attempt to touch a wild animal. It may seem tempting to get up close to get a photo or interact with them, but it’s important to remember that they are wild and can be dangerous if provoked or threatened.

Always dispose of your garbage properly

Leaving out food or garbage can attract animals to the area, creating a dangerous situation for the animals and the residents. Please dispose of your garbage in a secure container and avoid leaving it overnight. If you are visiting a City park, use the waste containers available to dispose of garbage.

Never feed wild animals

This can lead to an unhealthy diet that can cause health problems and cause them to lose their natural fear of humans, leading to dangerous interactions. It can attract more animals to the area, creating a nuisance for the animals and the residents.

Keep your pets on a leash

This will prevent them from chasing or attacking wildlife, protecting your pet and the wild animals.

Sick or injured animals

If you come across an animal in Mississauga that appears to be sick, injured or in distress, it’s important to remember that these animals are wild and can be dangerous if approached or mishandled. To help ensure your and the animal’s safety, contact Mississauga Animal Services at 905-896-5858 to report the situation.

By following these simple guidelines, we can help protect the wildlife in our community and ensure that they remain wild, healthy and safe. Animals are an essential part of our ecosystem, and it’s up to all of us to do our part to protect them.

Living in harmony with urban wildlife is possible. Learn more about urban wildlife in Mississauga at mississauga.ca/wildlife.


Media contact

City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151