News release

Three ways to beat the pre-winter blues

Business and innovation | October 10, 2019

With the back-to-school routines in full swing and the holidays fast approaching, it can sometimes feel like there isn’t enough time in the day. Can’t remember the last time you took a deep breath? Looking to hit pause for a moment?

Physical and mental well-being are an important part of a balanced lifestyle. Here are three simple ways to beat those pre-winter blues:

Take in nature
Riverwood  is a serene gem in the midst of Mississauga. Situated on 150 acres of land, this is the perfect spot to destress this fall. With its sprawling forestry, gardens and natural beauty, the changing leaves serve as a beautiful backdrop to an already picture-perfect landscape. Spend a morning strolling the woodland trails or perhaps take some of the programs offered by The Riverwood Conservancy or Visual Arts Mississauga, which are also located on the property.

Step back in time
Mississauga is rich in history. The City’s heritage houses offer a glimpse into the lifestyles of early settlers who lived in these properties nearly 200 years ago. Step back in time and visit the rustic Bradley House dating back to the 1830s and stroll through the fall-coloured nature trails surrounding the Bradley Museum where you might spot a deer or wild songbird. Pencil in some quiet time and take in more than 165 years of history at Benares Historic House with all original artifacts from the Harris family. There’s always something on at the museums, including exhibitions, unique collections, family activities and events, such as the magical Fantastic Beasts of Benares.

Yoga is a time-honoured practice that touts numerous benefits including muscle tone, increased flexibility and relaxation. The City of Mississauga offers a variety of yoga classes to suit your needs. Choose from the fall selection of classes such as yoga, yoga and low impact, yoga for women, yoga power, yoga gentle, yoga H2O and yoga therapeutic.

As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, take some time for yourself and unwind in Mississauga.

Media contact

City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151