City services | November 17, 2022
Do you have a passion for the arts, culture, recreation or parks and forestry?
The City of Mississauga is looking for community leaders to serve on the Volunteer Peer Assessment Committee for Culture and Community Grant Programs.
As a volunteer member of the committee, you’ll help review grant applications, determine grant recipients and their funding amounts each year. Sitting on this committee consists of a four-year commitment with its members recommended by staff and approved by Council.
Applications from qualified residents are encouraged to ensure the representation of Mississauga’s cultural and artistic diversity. To be eligible, candidates must be practicing arts and/or culture professionals with at least two years of industry experience or a community member with a background in community support, parks and forestry or recreation.
Those interested can apply online until 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2022. To learn more, please visit our website.
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