The project began with an update to the Official Plan. A change to the Official Plan was necessary to outline a new vision for the area that would support a transit and people friendly environment. A new set of policies were approved by Council in 2014 and took effect in the Official Plan in 2017 after settling of an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) appeal.
To align with the new Official Plan policies, changes were made to the city’s zoning by-law in 2020 (currently under appeal). These changes will help transition the area away from its current mix of auto-dependent industrial buildings, warehouses and offices to a more walkable, transit-oriented environment.
Two new transit-supportive office zones are beingwere introduced that will ensure future development aligns with this vision. This includes establishing the list of permitted land uses and regulations related to landscaping, building height and density, setback, parking location and building entrances.
Study area
View a map of the current land uses for the Gateway Corporate Centre study area here.
What was the process?
Phase 1
The first phase of the project began with an amendment to the Official Plan, Mississauga Official Plan Amendment (MOPA) 25. As part of the amendment, changes to the Official Plan were proposed to create a safe and walkable environment, promote an attractive public realm, plan for transit-supportive office uses, and animate Hurontario Street through a mix of ground-level amenities
Phase 2
Phase two of the project involveds amending the zoning by-law. The public provided feedback at a Community Meeting held on September 19, 2019 and a Statutory Public Meeting held on October 7, 2019. The final city staff recommended zoning regulations were presented to the Planning and Development Committee on January 22, 2020. The implementing By-law as passed on May 27, 2020.