News release

Hurontario-Main Light Rail Transit Project Public Information Centres – Provide Your Input

City building | March 17, 2014

The Cities of Mississauga and Brampton with Metrolinx invite the community to the third and final Public Information Centres (PICs) for the Hurontario-Main Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project on March 26 and 27 from 3 to 8 p.m.

These drop-in open houses are part of the provincial Transit Project Assessment Process and will feature information about the project and the environmental assessment of the LRT. Project team members will be on hand to answer questions.

The third PICs are scheduled as follows:

Community Date Time Location
Mississauga Wednesday, March 26, 2014 3 – 8 p.m.

Great Hall

Mississauga Civic Centre

300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga

Brampton Thursday, March 27 2014 3 – 8 p.m.

Rose Theatre

1 Theatre Lane, Brampton

For more information read:
Hurontario-Main LRT Project Moves Ahead.

Hurontario-Main LRT Project
The City of Mississauga, the City of Brampton and Metrolinx have a vision for a vibrant Hurontario-Main corridor from Port Credit to downtown Brampton. In 2011, the cities’ Master Plan noted that Light Rail Transit (LRT) is the preferred form of transit along the Hurontario-Main corridor. This project is also a priority project in The Big Move, the Regional Transportation Plan, and included in Metrolinx’s Next Wave of projects recommended for funding through the Investment Strategy. An LRT system, providing key transportation connections to the cities, both north/south and with the GO Transit system, has been identified as a catalyst for sustainable, well-managed growth. The Hurontario-Main LRT Project is now in the Transit Project Assessment (TPAP) Phase, which includes design and technical studies supported by stakeholder and public consultations.

Media Contact:

City of Mississauga
Catherine Monast
Senior Communications Advisor
Transportation and Works
TTY: 905-896-5151