The City partners with the Government of Canada on matters under federal jurisdiction that impact our local community.
These Members of Parliament are elected locally and work in Ottawa on behalf of Mississauga residents.
The City supports the federal government in programs that grow the local economy and help create jobs.
Mississauga continues to face significant financial pressures due to the lingering affects of the pandemic, inflation, global conflicts and supply shortages.
As part of the Government of Canada’s 2024 budget consultation process, we are requesting continued funding support to address the ongoing impacts of housing affordability, climate change, traffic and congestion, growth on city services, operating budgets, and other city building initiatives.
To make sure Mississauga continues to provide quality services, we are also seeking funding support and collaboration for the City’s top priorities and initiatives:
Read the full 2024 Federal Pre-budget Submission.
The City of Mississauga acknowledges the funding it is currently receiving from the federal government, including:
We look forward to partnering on future funding opportunities.