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Open for consultation
The City is engaging the community to determine whether Streetsville meets the legislated criteria for consideration as a Heritage Conservation District.
Open for consultation
The City is developing new standards to refine the naming policies and street naming registry using an equitable, diverse and inclusive approach.
Open for consultation
The City of Mississauga is undertaking a review of the Dixie Outlet Mall site to help guide future redevelopment in the area.
Open for consultation
The City is working to create more housing choices in Mississauga’s neighbourhoods.
Open for consultation
The City is reviewing built form, height and density along the Lakeshore Road East Corridor in the Lakeview area.
Open for consultation
Provide a planning framework to guide future development around the Clarkson GO station that supports transit and pedestrians
Open for consultation
Mississauga Official Plan guides how the City will grow and develop, as required by the Ontario Planning Act. The goals and policies of this Official Plan are intended to be achieved over 25 years, by...