In progress City project

Dundas Street Special Policy Area Review

As a key recommendation from the Dundas Connects Master Plan, the City has begun a review of the Special Policy Areas (SPAs) along the Dundas corridor.


The Dundas Street Special Policy Area (SPA)* review is examining the boundaries of two areas of flood risk along Dundas Street East:

  • The area around the intersection of Dixie Road and Dundas Street East, known as the “Applewood SPA” (west of Dixie Road), and the “Dixie-Dundas SPA” (east of Dixie Road)
  • The area further east along Dundas Street East at Etobicoke Creek, the border with Toronto, known as the “Etobicoke Creek SPA”

The review will assess the boundaries of these floodplains and the flood risks to existing and future residents, property, and infrastructure.

*An SPA is a provincially regulated area within a community that has historically existed in the flood plain. SPAs are not meant to allow new or intensified development and site alteration, if the community has other possible locations for development outside the flood plain.

Review process

The review includes three phases:

Phase 1: Baseline Conditions

To review existing SPA boundaries, land use policies, properties and infrastructure

Phase 2a: Planning Justification Report

To assess feasible alternatives, consider policy changes, or updates to the SPA boundaries

Phase 2b: Full Flood Risk Assessment

To review flood risk scenarios

Phase 3: Implementation

Includes amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law

The City is working closely with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority on this review. Any changes to the SPA boundaries, official plan policies, or land use designations must be approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The results will rely heavily on the long-term flood mitigation work currently being undertaken by the engineers in our Transportation & Works Division.

Status of the review

The review is at a preliminary stage (Phase 1). We are using early engineering models used to determine possible flood mitigation measures. More analysis is needed to determine the best engineering solution, and inform future policies and zoning for these areas.

Area-specific updates:

The Applewood SPA is being reviewed as part of the Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Study.

Please visit the project page for updates.

The Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Study(External link) is now underway. This is a public process with chances for public input.

Please visit the project page for more information.

Preliminary work is being conducted on the Etobicoke Creek SPA. More information will be shared later in the process.


For currently in-effect SPA policies, please refer to:


For more information about the Little Etobicoke Creek SPA, please contact Brandon Williams, link).

For more information about the Dixie-Dundas Flood Mitigation Feasibility Study and EA, please contact Greg Frew, link) or Anthony DiGiandomenico, link).

To learn more about the work the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is doing, please contact Adam Miller, link).

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