Archived Completed in 2021 City project

2021 Spongy Moth (also known as Lymantria Dispar Dispar or LDD moth) Management Program

Information about the 2021 management of Spongy Moth (also known as Lymantria Dispar Dispar or LDD moth) and what residents can do to protect trees on their private property.

This project was archived on March 3, 2022.

The following information will no longer be updated. It remains for reference only.

Find information on the 2022 Aerial Spray Program and Spongy Moth Management Program.

Treatment overview

  • 272 trees received TreeAzin injections
  • 132 trees received ground sprays of BTK

You can also use our Interactive Treatment Map, to learn more about treatment locations.

Treatment areas

In 2021 Spongy Moth management was conducted in select parks and along select streets in Wards 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 where monitoring has indicated specific areas with a higher population of Spongy Moth and the potential for impacts to the city’s urban forest canopy. Elsewhere in the city, monitoring data show that the population of Spongy Moth is forecasted to remain at low levels in 2021.

Given the targeted nature of the Spongy Moth treatment in 2021 there were no specific safety measures are required on the behalf of residents. For safety reasons, residents are requested to maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres (or 6 feet) from City staff or contractors.

Only publicly owned trees are treated through the City’s Spongy Moth Management program. Forestry staff recommend that residents in areas where Spongy Moth are present take some preventative measures to manage Spongy Moth on their property.

Frequently asked questions

We have prepared an FAQ document to answer some common questions that residents may have.

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For more information on tree pests, email or call 311 (905-615-4311 outside city limits).

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