Completed in 2023 City project

Mississauga Valley stormwater management facility

The City of Mississauga constructed an underground stormwater management facility under a portion of Mississauga Valley Park.


In 2012, the City of Mississauga completed a Flood Evaluation Study for Cooksville Creek. This study recommended potential stormwater management facility locations to mitigate flood risks within the Cooksville Creek watershed.

Mississauga Valley Stormwater Management Facility location

Mississauga Valley Park was selected as a location for an underground stormwater management facility. Flows are diverted to this facility to control the volume pressures on the City’s stormwater system.

The Mississauga Valley stormwater management facility is located in the southwest quadrant of the park and has the capacity to store 5,200 m3 of water, decreasing the risk of flooding downstream.

Virtual open house

A virtual open house was held to inform the community of the proposed work at Mississauga Valley Park and to provide residents an opportunity to share any comments about the project.

Please find the open house presentation documents below:

Project contact details 

For questions about this project, contact:

Elizabeth Dollimore, P.Eng., MBA – Project Manager
City of Mississauga
201 City Centre Dr., Suite 800
Mississauga, ON L5B 2T4
905-615-3200 ext. 5303 

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