Completed in 2014 City project

Parking Strategies – Port Credit and Lakeview

City parking policies and management practices affect the communities we live in and can be instrumental in building a successful city.

Parking influences the appearance of cities. It adds to or reduces traffic congestion. It is a vital component of the urban street and transportation system. The availability, cost and perceptions of parking influence decisions on how people chose to travel and the viability of commercial areas. The adequacy of parking impacts the economic return on public and private investments, affects property values and development opportunities.

Key issues addressed in the strategy

  • Whether the City’s existing public parking supply in Port Credit is enough to meet the existing demand
  • Potential locations where the City could build additional public parking to support future development
  • Whether the City is currently running a surplus or loss on the existing parking system in Port Credit and ways to adjust current financial practices to improve the financial performance of the overall parking system
  • Potential parking revenue initiatives in Port Credit to fund additional municipal parking resources and Transportation Demand Management programs, including potential new locations for paid on-street parking
  • Guidance on how the City should approach parking in Lakeview, in order to move forward the vision of “Strengthening the Community”
  • How much new off-street municipal parking the City should provide in Lakeview to foster new commercial mainstreet development along Lakeshore Road East
  • Recommended modifications to the parking supply rates in the Zoning By-law that will encourage development in the mainstreet areas
  • Ways in which the City can foster cultural uses such as art galleries, museums, cultural group offices, heritage buildings, street festivals, and the Transformative Parking Space project (patios in on-street parking spaces)
  • Recommended bicycle parking supply and end of trip requirements for commercial developments and implementation recommendations
  • Transportation Demand Management objectives to ensure the parking strategy is linked to supporting transit use and active transportation and
  • An action plan for implementing the Parking Strategy

Planning and Development Committee

For more information on parking strategies, email

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