Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

Completed in 2018 Environmental assessment

Lisgar Basement Water Infiltration Investigation

The City completed a number of actions in the Lisgar District to address the potential for basement water infiltration.

The City of Mississauga has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to determine the first preferred location and form of pumping station within the Lisgar District to reduce the potential for basement water infiltration.

The outcome of the Class EA Study determined the Preferred Solution to be a permanent foundation drain collector (FDC) Pumping Station and Utility Trench Dewatering Pumping System located on Black Walnut Trail at Cactus Gate Parkette. The Cactus Gate Parkette pumping station has been operational since spring 2021

The City is currently undertaking an additional Municipal Class EA study to determine the number, preferred location(s) and type(s) of future pumping Stations within the Lisgar District. Please visit the EA Study webpage for additional information.

Public meetings

A meeting to share information related to the study and answer questions was held on Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Gary W Morden Centre.

The study was completed on September 13, 2018 and theĀ Environmental Study Report is available for review. Hardcopies will be available for review during regular business hours at Central Library and Meadowvale Library

On October 18, 2017, a community meeting was held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Secondary School to provide an update on ongoing work and new initiatives regarding the Lisgar District Basement Water Infiltration Investigation. It included a summary of the investigation for the July 13 to 14, 2017 Storm Event and an updated Action Plan.

On March 26, 2015, a community information meeting was held at St. Simon Stock Catholic School to provide a summary of the Lisgar District Basement Water Infiltration Investigation. City staff and the consultant (AMEC Foster Wheeler) provided an overview of monitoring and analysis work, study conclusions and the proposed mitigation plan.

On June 17, 2014, a community information meeting was held at Garry W. Morden Centre to provide an update on the continuing investigation regarding the Lisgar District Basement Water Infiltration Investigation. City staff and the consultant (AMEC Environment and Infrastructure) provided an overview of recent activities, study findings to-date and remaining work to be completed.

On April 16, 2013, a public meeting was held at Council Chamber to provide an update on the continuing investigation regarding basement water infiltration in the Lisgar district. A presentation was made which included answers to resident’s questions received from the Councillor’s Ward 10 office.

On December 14, 2011 an information meeting was held at the Lisgar Middle School concerning flooding issues in the local area. A presentation was made concerning the status of the investigation followed by a question and answer period.

Foundation Drain Collector Sump Pump Subsidy Program

A sump pump subsidy program has been established to assist homeowners that are located on streets serviced by the municipal Foundation Drain Collector (FDC) system. Installation of a sump pump will provide homeowners with an additional safeguard against basement water infiltration.

Learn more about the FDC Sump Pump Subsidy program.

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