Report a dog bite

If you have been bitten by a dog, you must report it to the Region of Peel Health Department.

Reporting a dog bite to the City is not mandatory. However, it is required if you want the City to investigate the incident to determine whether any municipal charges should be laid.

Submit a report to the City

To report a dog bite to a person or pet, call Mississauga Animal Services 24/7 reporting line at 905-896-5858, ext 3932 to leave a message. Include the following information in the message:

  • Your full name, address and phone number
  • Brief description of the incident including the date, time and location
  • Information about the dog or dog owner (if known)
  • Description of any injuries, and if the bite or scratch broke skin
  • Confirm if the incident was also reported to the Region of Peel Health Department

If your pet is bitten, you should contact your veterinarian.

Complete a witness statement

As part of the report, complete a witness statement as soon as possible after the incident (usually within 30 days). Witness statements may be used as evidence to establish a case. If anyone else saw the incident, they can also complete a witness statement.

Your statement should include the exact locations, dates, times, and witnesses of the incident. Information in the statement must be the whole truth and must be written in your own words.

You can submit your statement by email to or in person at the following location:

Mississauga Animal Services
735 Central Parkway West
Mississauga, ON L5C 1T8

What happens next

An Officer will investigate the incident. The Officer will also file reports to the Region of Peel Health Unit if required.

A full review of the evidence will determine whether any municipal or provincial charges will be laid. Charges may be laid under the Ontario Dog Owner’s Liability Act up to six months after the date of the incident. If there is a charge, witnesses will be notified and summoned to court.

Mississauga Animal Services does not lay civil charges or apply for financial compensation on the victim’s behalf.