Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

Demolish a residential building

Your drawings must clearly show what is existing and the changes you’re proposing. Drawings must be to scale, and should use metric measurements. We may request additional information when your application is reviewed.

To demolish a residential building you’ll need to submit:

The site plan must include the following:

  • Scale (metric only)
  • Direction (North arrow)
  • Municipal address
  • Legal description (lot and plan numbers)
  • Outline of all existing buildings labelled “to be demolished” or “existing to remain”
  • Dimensioned property lines
  • Rights-of-way and easements
  • Landscaped areas and hard surfaces such as driveways and walkways

If a building on your property has been destroyed or rendered unusable due to demolition, you may be eligible for a reduction in your taxes in accordance with Section 357 and/or Section 358 of the Municipal Act.

Please visit the Property Taxes page for more information about services relating to your property taxes, including when and how to apply for a reduction, cancellation or refund of your property taxes. If you have any questions, please call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) or email tax@mississauga.ca.

Contact us

If you need more information, call 311 (905-615-4311) or contact us online.