Report a problem with trees on private property

You can report a problem with a tree on private property that is falling, broken, splitting or causing a safety hazard by calling 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).

If the tree is causing a serious safety concern, we’ll investigate within 24 hours. If there’s no urgent safety concern, we’ll investigate within five business days.

Tree pruning debris

If your neighbour has recently pruned their trees and the fallen limbs or branches have been left on the ground and are beginning to rot, you can call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) to report it. We’ll investigate within five business days.

Overhanging trees

If a neighbour’s plants or trees are hanging over your property line, or the branches, leaves, fruit or seeds are falling onto your yard, it’s considered a civil matter between you and your neighbour. The City will not investigate.

If you and your neighbour are having difficulty reaching an agreement about overhanging trees, a free mediation service is available from the Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre. Contact them at 905-629-1873 ext. 311 or