Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

Apply for a marriage licence

How to apply

  1. Complete the Marriage Licence Application Form online and print the completed form.
  2. Ensure that both applicants sign the printed document (must be original signatures).
  3. Book an appointment to meet with city staff to pick up your marriage license.

Only applicants with an appointment will be admitted into the building.

If you are more than 10 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, you will be required to reschedule. Only check in once you have arrived at City Hall or the City Clerk’s Office.

The marriage licence will be issued immediately, so long as the documents of both applicants are in order.

Identification requirements

You must bring two original pieces of acceptable identification for you and your partner. One must be a valid photo ID issued in the past 10 years.

Any identification that is not in English or French requires a translation from a translator located in Ontario and certified by the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO). Original identification must be presented along with the translation.

For more information about ATIO email info@atio.on.ca.

Accepted forms of identification:

  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Canadian refugee travel document (with photo)
  • Change of Name Certificate
  • Current Citizenship card with photo (issued within the past 10 yrs.)
  • Driver’s Licence / Enhanced Driver’s Licence (with photo)
  • Photo Identity card from any country (issued within past 10 yrs.)
  • Nexus card
  • Ontario Photo ID Card
  • Passport
  • Permanent Residency Card
  • Record of Immigration Landing (with photo)
  • United States Green Card (with photo)

Not acceptable identification

Health cards, Social Insurance Number (SIN) cards, photocopies or expired identification will not be accepted.

Marriage licence fee

$165.00* payable by Debit, Visa, Master Card, American Express or certified cheque.

(*Subject to change without notice)

Important information

  • If you don’t understand English or French, you will need an interpreter. The interpreter must have appropriate identification and complete a declaration.
  • An Ontario marriage licence is valid for use anywhere in Ontario for three months from the date of issue
  • There is no waiting period to be married once the licence is issued in Ontario
  • Ontario has no residency or blood test requirements and does not permit marriage by proxy
  • There is no refund if the marriage licence is lost, stolen, damaged or expired

Under 18

If you’re 16 or 17 years old, you will need written consent on Form 6 from both parents or guardian. For more information call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).

Divorced in Canada

If you were granted a divorce in Canada, you will need to show the original or court certified copy of the Certificate of Divorce or a Decree Absolute.

A Judgement or Court Order issued by the Court, photocopies or certificates certified by a Lawyer or Notary Public are not acceptable proof of divorce.

Divorced outside Canada

If you were granted a divorce outside Canada, you will need to provide a Foreign Divorce Approval from the Office of the Registrar General. For more information please call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) or visit the Service Ontario website.