Due to the weather, some City facilities will be closed on February 13.

Request a flat marker or monument

There are a variety of memorial options you can consider, including:

  • A flat marker that lies flat or flush with the ground
  • An upright monument or upright headstone

We encourage you to contact us to discuss your requirements. You can call us at 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).

Monument request form

To install a flat marker or upright monument, complete the monument request form. You’ll need to include:

  • Name of the cemetery and deceased
  • Location of the lot
  • Signature of the owner or interment rights holder
  • Drawing of the dimensions
  • Photo or drawing of the proposed final product

Submit by mail

You can mail the completed form to:

City of Mississauga
Parks & Forestry Division
P.O. Box 1850, Station B
Mississauga, Ontario L4Y 3W6

Once you submit the form, the City will contact you with approval and pricing for the installation.