As part of the Bloor Street redesign we reviewed transit stops along the project area to include recommended improvements on safety and accessibility in the project scope.
We reviewed existing stop locations and infrastructure, stop spacing, safety, how the surrounding land is used, ridership and future transit service plans to ensure alignment with MiWay and City standards, MiWay’s Infrastructure Growth Plan and the City’s Strategic Plan.
Bus stop changes
Bus routes 3, 8, 302 and 307 run along Bloor Street. Right now, most stops on these routes are located at street corners. Some stops are in the middle of blocks and lack safe pedestrian crossings.
Some bus stops have been identified for removal. Many of these are mid-block stops, which create a safety concern of pedestrians crossing in the middle of the road. Removal of these stops will depend on the relocation and improvement of other stops to make sure the area is still serviced properly.
Bus stop configurations
Different bus stop configurations will be used with bus lay-bys (bus bays outside the travel lanes), in exclusive right-turn lanes and adjacent drive-thru lanes.
Stops without these configurations will not be used more than once in a row, so traffic can flow and not get caught behind a bus for more than one bus stop.
Eastbound bus stops
The following shows all planned bus stops for eastbound Bloor Street between Central Parkway East and Etobicoke Creek.

Number 1: Stop 1231 at Hyacinthe Blvd (Route 8)
With C1 stop configuration
Number 2: Stop 2217 at Mississauga Valley Blvd (Routes 3, 8)
Stop location on far-side¹ with bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 3: Stop 1225 at Cawthra Rd (Routes 3, 8)
Stop location on near-side² with right-turn lane buses excepted and C2 stop configuration
Number 4: Stop 1326 at Rymal Rd (Routes 3, 8)
Stop location on near-side with no bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 5: Stop 1325 at Tomken Rd (Route 3)
Stop location on near-side with right-turn lane buses excepted and C2 stop configuration
Number 6: Stop 1329 at Ivernia Rd (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C3 stop configuration
Number 7: Stop 1331 at Golden Orchard Dr (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 8: Stop 1332 at Dixie Rd (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 9: Stop 1333 at Havenwood Dr (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 10: Stop 1334 East of Havenwood Dr (Transit Routes 3, 307)
Stop location is mid block with no bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 11: Stop 1335 at Fieldgate Dr (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 12: Stop 1336 East of Fieldgate Dr (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location is mid block with no bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 13: Stop 1337 at Bridgewood Dr (Routes 3, 307)
Stop location on far-side curb lane with no bus lay-by but section changes to two lanes of traffic in each direction and C4 stop configuration
¹A far-side bus stop is located just after the intersection
²A near-side bus stop is located just before the intersection
Westbound bus stops
The following shows all planned bus stops for westbound Bloor Street between Central Parkway East and Etobicoke Creek.

Number 14: Stop 1239 at Hyacinthe Blvd (Route 8)
With C1 stop configuration
Number 15: Stop 2269 at Mississauga Valley Blvd (Route 8)
Stop location on far-side¹ with bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 16: Stop 2268 at Cawthra Rd (Routes 3, 8, 302)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 17: Stop 1353 east of Cedar Creek Dr (Routes 3, 302)
Stop location is mid block with no bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 18: Stop 1351 at Tomken Rd (Route 3)
Stop location on near-side², right-turn lane buses excepted, with C2 stop configuration
Number 19: Stop 1349 at Runningbrook Dr (Route 3)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 20: Stop 1347 at Golden Orchard Drive (Route 3)
Stop location on near-side, right-turn lane buses excepted, with C2 stop configuration
Number 21: Stop 1346 at Dixie Rd (Route 3)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 22: Stop 1345 at Havenwood Dr (Route 3)
Stop location on far side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 23: Stop 1344 west of Fieldgate Dr (Route 3)
Stop location is mid block with no bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 24: Stop 1343 at Fieldgate Dr (Route 3)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
Number 25: Stop 1342 west of Bridgewood Dr (Route 3)
Stop location is mid block with no bus lay-by and C2 stop configuration
Number 26: Stop 1341 at Bridgewood Dr (Route 3)
Stop location on far-side with bus lay-by and C4 stop configuration
¹A far-side bus stop is located just after the intersection
²A near-side bus stop is located just before the intersection
Read the full list of bus stop changes, which includes ridership information and stops that will be removed.
Ridership and demand
Ridership on the Bloor Street corridor has been growing the last few years and has grown 13% in since February 2024. Currently, Route 3 operates at approximately an eight to nine minute peak service frequency, and 18-minute midday service frequency. Transit demand along the corridor will continue to be monitored to ensure there is adequate service.
Public safety
As always, our goal remains to move people safely, efficiently and effectively along the corridor. You can find more information on the traffic flow and studies we’ve done to support this goal.