Completed in 2024 Environmental assessment

Malton Flood Mitigation Study

The City of Mississauga is undertaking a Schedule B Class Environmental Assessment Study to develop a flood mitigation plan for the general area between Etude Drive and Justine Drive in the Malton community.

Project overview

The general area between Etude Drive and Justine Drive in Malton is comprised of mostly residential properties and is subject to urban flooding during storm events, including the rainstorm that occurred on July 8, 2013.

The goal of this study is to mitigate urban flooding risks to people, property and infrastructure and will involve identifying and evaluating various alternative solutions to help mitigate flooding including a preferred solution that will be presented at a Public Information Centre (PIC).

Project team environmental specialists will be walking the study area and making notes to document existing conditions to support the evaluation of alternative solutions.

Map showing the study area along Derry Road East, Etude Drive and Mimico Creek

Notice of project impacts

In 2021, a notice was delivered to affected property owners to provide an overview of the project and explain its benefits for potential flood reduction. The notice also describes the impacts and planned approach toward existing encroachments.

We would like to thank everyone who provided comments to the project team.

Online Public Information Centre

A Public Information Centre (PIC) for the Malton Flood Mitigation Environmental Assessment Study was made available in June 2023. Through the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, the project team developed and evaluated alternative solutions.

A preliminary recommended solution was identified for public review and presented through the PIC. The presentation is available in the project documents.

Project File Report

A Project File Report has been prepared to document the planning, decision-making and consultation process for this study. The Project File Report is available to the public for review for a 30-day comment period from February 28, 2024 to March 28, 2024.

Project updates

The City completed the environmental assessment study in 2024, and the detailed design phase is currently underway and progressing well. Ongoing and future work includes:

  • Additional field investigations to support design work
  • Permit applications and approvals
  • Acquisition of any necessary land permissions
  • Tendering for construction

Construction is estimated to begin in 2025. The City understands the impact of storm events on the city and its communities and will strive to deliver this project.

Project contact details

If you have comments or questions about the project, please contact:

Anthony DiGiandomenico, P.Eng., Project Manager
City of Mississauga
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1
905-615-3200 ext. 3491

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