News release

City Building Permits: Home Renovations Done Right

City building | April 11, 2022

If you’re planning on home improvements –  like building a new deck, shed or refinishing a basement, you might need a building permit.

Most renovation, construction or demolition projects require a building permit before you start construction. A building permit is a document issued by municipalities, like Mississauga, and it is necessary for projects that involve constructing, changing or adding to a building’s structure.

It’s illegal to start construction without a building permit for projects that require one; so the City of Mississauga is reminding residents to check the Ontario Building Code requirements for building permits before beginning construction.

Typically, the designer or contractor will obtain a building permit when required. However, it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure they do and that planned construction complies with all regulations and by-laws. City staff can guide homeowners through the process to ensure projects meet the right standards and requirements.

Why Permits Matter
A permit provides peace of mind for you, your neighbours and future buyers. It ensures that changes comply with the requirements in the Ontario Building Code, the City of Mississauga Zoning By-law and meets all health, safety, fire protection and accessibility standards. A permit also gives you access to the professional expertise of the City’s Building Division staff for assistance with design and construction issues.

Applying for Permits
Find out which projects do and do not require a permit. All building permit applications must be submitted online through the ePlans portal. Before you apply for a permit, speak with staff in the Building Division to confirm what you need to submit and whether you’ll need any additional permits and approvals. In your application, you will need to attach drawings, plans and other important documents. You may need to pay a fee.

Now that you have all the details, you’re on your way to updating your dream home.

Learn more about the City’s building permits process and everything you need to know before you apply:



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City of Mississauga Media Relations
905-615-3200, ext. 5232
TTY: 905-896-5151