Carmen Corbasson Community Centre, located on Cawthra Road just south of the QEW, will undergo redevelopment to improve the quality of recreational services provided to residents, while implementing higher accessibility and green building standards.
Project overview
The redevelopment will include the renovation of existing infrastructure to address population growth and changing demographics in the area. It will also include the construction of a new addition that will feature an aquatic and fitness centre. The addition will be connected to the southeast side of the existing building, which will provide the indoor aquatic centre with spectacular views of the neighbouring woodlot.
1Facility closed to the public
September 6, 2022
2Construction begins
Fall 2022
3Construction substantially complete
January/February 2025
4Open to the public
Early Spring 2025
5Grand Opening Celebration
Public engagement
The redevelopment plan for the Carmen Corbasson Community Centre was informed by several community engagement exercises, including Recreation’s Future Directions Master Plan (2019), Youth Plan and Older Adult Plan consultations.
In the summer of 2021, the City gathered feedback by hosting a virtual public information session and conducting an online survey. Residents provided input about the proposed facility design, layout, accessibility and programming. We appreciate the feedback from residents who participated in these public consultation opportunities, and have consolidated the outcomes from these sessions for reference:
For more information about the Carmen Corbasson Community Centre redevelopment project, please email