Shoring requirements checklist

If you are planning a project that involves shoring, you will need to apply for a building permit and get approval for the proposed work.

Follow the shoring and excavation approval process and carefully review this checklist to ensure your building permit application includes all of the required shoring drawings and documents. Additional submission materials may need to be included too, depending on your proposed shoring location and positioning.

Applications with missing requirements may result in delayed permit approvals.

Submit the Shoring and Excavation Engineering Clearance Application to to start the pre-consultation process.


  • Key plan to show the proposed work, scaled to include the entire project site and portions of the surrounding area for context. This should be stamped and signed by a professional engineer and include a note with an existing City of Mississauga benchmark reference, phrased as follows:

Elevations are referred to the City of Mississauga benchmark No. ___, located on ___, having a published elevation of ___ metres.

  • Design plans stamped and signed by a professional engineer. Similar to the key plan, these plans should include a note with an existing City of Mississauga benchmark reference.
  • Cross-sections to show vertical sections of a municipal road at regular intervals, including all existing underground infrastructure and proposed tiebacks, if applicable. Ensure sections are labelled with grades and dimensions, property lines and other relevant information. This must be stamped and signed by a professional engineer and include a note with an existing City of Mississauga benchmark reference.
  • Up-to-date site plan drawing (with associated site plan application number, SP _ _-_ _ _) that shows the proposed underground structure with setback dimensions to all property limits.
  • General notes and methodology, which can be in a separate document or included in the requested drawings.


  • Erosion and sediment control permit or an email from the Transportation and Works, Environmental Services, Storm Drainage Section providing clearance. Contact approvals@mississauga for more information about this requirement.
  • Proof of dewatering approval or provision of clearance. To demonstrate this, one of the following must be submitted:
    • Letter signed by a professional geologist or engineer that confirms the bottom elevation of the excavation will not intersect the groundwater elevation
    • Permission to discharge to the City’s storm sewer system (more details in the Storm Sewer Temporary Discharge Approval form)
    • Permission from the Region of Peel to discharge groundwater to the Region’s sanitary sewer system

For all dewatering proof of approval, hydrogeological data, like groundwater levels, infiltration rates and lab chemistry, will be needed but not in the form of a complete report. Contact the Environmental Coordinator, Storm Sewers at 905-615-3200 ext. 8358 or for more information about this requirement.

Check Region of Peel requirements

Contact the Region of Peel to ensure your proposed shoring work addresses the requirements of the Region.

The Regional Municipality of Peel
Public Works Department
Engineering – Development Services
Tel: (905) 791-7800
Toll Free: 1-888-919-7800

Additional submission materials

Along with the drawings and documents required for all shoring projects, when shoring encroaches into neighbouring privately owned lands, the following documents must be submitted too:

  • Letter to confirm that encroaching tiebacks will have no impact on any existing structures located on neighbouring properties. This must be stamped and signed by a professional engineer or geologist. The letter should also reference the site plan application number, addresses of both properties and applicable shoring plan drawings as follows:

(SP _ _-_ _ _) – [indicate municipal address or legal description of the lands], (drawing title) – (drawing title or number)

  • Letter from adjacent property owner to confirm acceptance of encroachment and provide permission to access and perform work on their property. Like the other required letter, this document should also include reference to the site plan application number, addresses of both properties and applicable shoring plan drawings.

Along with the drawings and documents required for all shoring projects, when tiebacks encroach into municipal right-of-way (land owned by the City of Mississauga), the following must be submitted too:

  • Certified, current utility plan that aligns with the City’s terms of reference (found on page 11, Appendix C). A certification note with the following wording must be included in the utility plan, signed by a professional engineer:

“I hereby certify that the information on this plan is complete, accurate and based on physical locates [specify if test pits OR geophysics], as provided by [Company name], on [date provided].”

Engineer’s signature: ___________

  • Certified utility cross-sections to show all existing utilities located within the municipal right-of-way.

After your application has been submitted and during the detailed review period by City staff, you will receive more information from Transportation and Works about these further requirements:

  • Public Utility Coordination Committee (PUCC) circulation and approval, which will be initiated by the City on behalf of the applicant. For more information, contact
  • Enter into an encroachment agreement with the City.


For more information about the requirements in this checklist contact Transportation and Works at or call 311 (905-615-4311 outside Mississauga limits).