If you need a zoning letter, you can send a written request to the City. Your request must contain specific details depending on what you need it for.
A zoning letter is not the same as zoning approval. It is written confirmation that the appropriate approvals have been granted.
Zoning approval for a new business is granted through a Zoning Certificate of Occupancy and/or a building permit for construction.
All requests for a zoning letter must be on company letterhead or in standard letter format, dated and signed by the requestor.
Your letter must include:
Your letter must also indicate exactly what information you need to obtain, such as:
If you’re planning to open a business at the property, confirmation that your use is permitted can only be provided through the approval of a Zoning Certificate of Occupancy.
These are typically requested by TSSA when propane tanks are going to be stored on the site.
Your request must indicate exactly what information you need to obtain, including:
Along with the letter, you must provide a site plan that shows the proposed location of the propane tank.
The tank cannot be located on required parking spaces or landscape buffers.
Check the restrictions for propane tanks in table and of the Zoning By-law.
This letter is used to satisfy a condition of your land division application as required by the Committee of Adjustment. The letter confirms that the severed and/or retained lands comply with the applicable Zoning By-law regulations.
Your request must indicate exactly what information you need to obtain, including:
Depending on the type of land use, you may also need to submit:
The schedule must show the area and frontages of severed and retained lands.
If side lot lines are parallel, measure the frontage as the perpendicular distance between the side lot lines.
If side lot lines are not parallel, measure the frontage 7.5 metres back from and parallel to the front lot line.
Existing buildings and structures remaining on the severed or retained lands must comply with Zoning By-law regulations.
Existing buildings and structures remaining on the severed or retained lands that do not comply with the by-law must either be removed from the property or obtain the necessary minor variance(s) for compliance. If buildings and structures are being removed, this work must be done prior to the release of this zoning letter and may require a demolition permit.
The survey must show the new setbacks to existing buildings and structures to all new proposed lot lines.
If minimum on-site parking requirements need to be confirmed (usually for an industrial or commercial property), you’ll need to submit a fully developed site plan. The plan must indicate the dimensions of all existing parking spaces, disabled persons parking spaces and loading spaces.
You may also be asked to submit site statistics that show:
To request information such as subdivision assumption dates, outstanding violations of work orders, outstanding by-law enforcement complaints, or outstanding permits, you must purchase a compliance report.
Submit your request via email to zoning@mississauga.ca.
A zoning letter will cost $236.05. You can pay the fee by electronic fund transfer or wire transfer.
We’ll email the zoning letter to you. If it’s a severance letter, we’ll send it directly to the Committee of Adjustment.
If you need more information, please call 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits).