Give feedback on rezoning or Official Plan amendment applications

You may have received a notice about a new development proposal in the mail, seen a sign in your neighbourhood about a public meeting, or heard about a proposed development from your Councillor.

When a land owner wants to change the existing land use and built form of a property, they must go through the City’s planning process.

If the Zoning By-law does not permit the new proposed use or built form, the land owner must apply for an amendment. This is known as a rezoning. If the proposed change does not conform with the City’s Official Plan, it requires an Official Plan amendment.

Feedback from members of the community is an important part of the City’s planning process.

Official plan amendments

The Mississauga Official Plan is a policy document that guides the City’s long term growth and development. The Official Plan includes guidance on the impact of land development, such as:

  • Location and type of housing, employment areas, parks, schools and hospitals
  • Necessary public services such as public transit, roads, storms sewers, and parkland
  • Protection of natural areas and ecosystems

When a land development proposal does not conform to the Official Plan, it requires an Official Plan amendment.

Zoning by-law amendments

The City’s Zoning By-law regulates:

  • Land use
  • Location, size and height of buildings or structures
  • Setbacks to property lines
  • Parking and loading requirements
  • Other site specific requirements

When a property owner wants to develop their property but the Zoning By-law does not permit the new proposed use or built form, they must apply for an amendment. This is also known as a rezoning.

You can learn more about the process applicants go through when they apply for an Official Plan or Zoning By-law amendment.

You can also find detailed information about active development applications in the City.

There are a few different ways you can give the City feedback about a development proposal in your neighbourhood.

Attend a community meeting

Your Ward Councillor might hold a community meeting in your neighbourhood. These meetings allow your Councillor and the applicant to hear any concerns from you and other residents.

During a community meeting, you can get more information about the development proposal, make comments and ask questions.

Attend a Planning and Development Committee meeting

The Planning and Development Committee will hear an information report about the development proposal. This is the official public meeting that’s required by the Planning Act.

This public meeting is held in Council Chambers at Mississauga City Hall. You can view a livestream of meetings while they’re in session.

A notice with the details about this meeting is mailed to neighbours within 120 metres (400 feet) of the property. A notice is also posted in a local newspaper.

No decisions about the development proposal are made at this meeting. It is a place for residents and Councillors to ask questions and comment on the development proposal.

If you aren’t available to attend the meeting, you can submit your comments in writing for the Committee to consider. Written comments can be provided by email or sent to:

Mississauga City Council
Attention: Development Assistant
c/o Planning and Building Department – 6th Floor
300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1

All comments from residents and Councillors are recorded.

A recommendation report is prepared by the City Planner that addresses comments from the public at a future Planning and Development Committee meeting.

If you spoke at the public meeting or provided written comments, we’ll notify you when the recommendation report is complete.

Appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal

If you gave feedback to the City and you disagree with the decision made by the Planning and Development Committee or Council, you can appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

To make an appeal, you must submit a written notice to the City Clerk’s Office within twenty days of the notice of decision.

Learn more about OLT and the appeals process on the Ontario Land Tribunals website.

Contact us

You can contact the City and ask to be notified as the development proposal moves through the planning process. For more information, email us at