Zoning By-law

Both the Interactive Zoning By-law and the PDF version of the Zoning By-law are updated on a continuous basis and may not reflect all amendments that have been passed by Council or approved at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). To view the most up-to-date zoning information, please refer to the list of unconsolidated amendments.

The City of Mississauga’s Zoning By-law regulates the use of land, buildings and structures in the City.

Use the Interactive Zoning By-law to view the consolidated text of the by-law.

View Interactive Zoning By-law

Find your zoning

Use the property information tool to find the zoning information of a property. You can follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to find your property’s zoning information.

You can also check your zone using the interactive zoning information map.

PDF version of the Zoning By-law

Download individual sections of the Zoning By-law in PDF.

Part/section and description Last updated
By-law Number March 31, 2014
Amendments January 31, 2024
Appeals December 31, 2020
Table of Contents February 29, 2024
How This By-law Works September 30, 2022
Part 1 – Administration, Interpretation and Enforcement December 31, 2023
Section 1.2 – Definitions December 31, 2023
Section 1.3 – Illustrations February 29, 2024
Part 2 – General Provisions December 31, 2023
Part 3 – Parking, Loading, Stacking Lane and Bicycle Parking Regulations November 30, 2023
Part 4.1 – General Provisions for Residential Zones February 29, 2024
Parts 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 – R1 to R5 Permitted Uses and Zone Regulations and R1 Exception Zones March 31, 2023
Part 4.2.3 – R2 Exception Zones January 31, 2023
Part 4.2.4 – R3 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.2.5 – R4 Exception Zones March 31, 2023
Part 4.2.6 – R5 Exception Zones March 31, 2023
Parts 4.3 to 4.7 – R6 to R16 Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.8 – RM1 and RM2 Zones (Semi-Detached) February 29, 2024
Part 4.9 – RM3 Zone (Semi-Detached on a CEC – Road) January 31, 2023
Part 4.10 – RM4 Zone (Townhouses) February 29, 2024
Part 4.11 – RM5 Zone (Street Townhouses) February 29, 2024
Part 4.12 – RM6 Zone (Townhouses on a CEC – Road) February 29, 2024
Part 4.13 – RM7 Zone (Detached, Semi-Detached, Duplex and Triplex) February 28, 2021
Part 4.13A – RM8 Zone (Back to Back and/or Stacked Townhouses) October 31, 2023
Part 4.14 – RM9 and RM10 Zones (Back to Back and Stacked Townhouses) February 29, 2024
Part 4.14A – RM11 Zone (Back to Back Townhouses on a CEC – Road) February 29, 2024
Part 4.14B – RM12 Zone (Back to Back Townhouses on a Street) February 28, 2021
Parts 4.15.1 to 4.15.2 – RA1 to RA5 Permitted Uses and Zone Regulations and RA1 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.15.3 – RA2 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.15.4 – RA3 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.15.5 – RA4 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 4.15.6 – RA5 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 5 – O1 to O3 Zones (Office) February 29, 2024
Parts 6.1 to 6.2.1 – General Provisions for Commercial Zones and C1 to C5 Permitted Uses and Zone Regulations February 29, 2024
Part 6.2.2 – C1 Exception Zones December 31, 2023
Part 6.2.3 – C2 Exception Zones December 31, 2023
Part 6.2.4 – C3 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 6.2.5 – C4 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 6.2.6 – C5 Exception Zones March 31, 2023
Part 7 – CC1 to CC4, CCO and CCOS Zones (Downtown Core) February 29, 2024
Parts 8.1 to 8.2.1 – General Provisions for Employment Zones and E1 to E3 Permitted Uses and Zone Regulations February 29, 2024
Parts 8.2.2 to 8.2.4 – E1 to E3 Exception Zones February 29, 2024
Part 9 – OS1 to OS3 Zones (Open Space) February 29, 2024
Part 10 – G1 and G2 Zones (Greenlands) February 29, 2024
Part 11 – PB1 and PB2 Zones (Parkway Belt) February 29, 2024
Part 12 – Other Zones: U (Utility), I (Institutional), D (Development), B (Buffer) and AP (Airport) Zones February 29, 2024
Part 13 – Zoning Maps February 29, 2024

Proposed City-initiated Zoning By-law amendments

The City periodically amends the Zoning By-law to:

  • Clarify wording
  • Update definitions
  • Delete or modify outdated regulations
  • Address new trends

To determine whether these changes affect your application, please review your proposal with your agent or professional consultant.

The following proposed Zoning By-law amendments have been initiated by the City:

The amendments proposed to this by-law include:

  • Adding a new definition of Terrace, to provide clarity for such design features
  • Amending the definition of:
    • Corner Lot, to include “Common Element Condominium – Road” (CEC – Road)
    • Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Space, by removing third-party, electrical engineering sign-off criteria
    • Exterior Side Lot Line, to include “CEC – Road”
    • Group Home, to directly align with the legislative definition found within the Municipal Act
    • Landscaped Buffer, to remove reference of “utility easement”
    • Street Line, to include “CEC – Road”
  • Amending the regulation for frontage on a street to also recognize Meadow Wood Lane
  • Adding a vacant-unit parking rate
  • Clarifying the points of reference for setbacks in the RM4 Zone
  • Removing the antiquated Courier/Messenger term as a permitted use

Supporting documents

Notice of public meeting

BL.09-CIT Number 17 Information and Recommendation Report Notice


BL.09-CIT Number 17 Information and Recommendation Report


By-law 0203-2023

The City is proposing to amend the Mississauga Official Plan and Zoning By-law to:

  • Reduce the number of residential detached dwelling zones
  • Reduce minimum lot frontage and minimum lot area requirements
  • Introduce semi-detached dwellings as a permitted use in detached dwelling zones
  • Amend maximum dwelling heights for detached and semi-detached dwellings

For more information, read about our Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhoods study.

The City is proposing changes to the Zoning By-law to permit seasonal and permanent outdoor patios in specified zones city-wide, including Port Credit. This amendment will also introduce new permissions for seasonal outdoor retail sales and display areas. And it will eliminate the minimum separation distance requirement for restaurants near residential zones.

Supporting documents

Notice of public meeting

BL.09-PAT (All Wards) Information and Recommendation Report Notice


BL.09-PAT (All Wards) Information and Recommendation Report



The City of Mississauga is proposing to change the driveway regulations in the Zoning By-law for low- and medium-density residential zones.

Supporting documents

Notice of public meeting

BL.09-DWY (All Wards) – Information and Recommendation Report Notice


BL.09-DWY (All Wards) – Information and Recommendation Report


Expected in fall 2024.

Contact us

If you have questions about the Zoning By-law or need an alternate accessible format of the by-law please contact 311 (905-615-4311 outside City limits) or email public.info@mississauga.ca.

Report a technical issue

If you are experiencing a technical issue with the Interactive Zoning By-law, please email ScottT.Anderson@mississauga.ca.