In progress City project

Inspiration Lakeview

Inspiration Lakeview is the City of Mississauga’s vision for its eastern waterfront. Find out more about the project's vision, progress, history, latest news and key documents.

Project updates

Learn more about the project or find previous project updates.

July 2024

Rangeview Development Master Plan Resubmission and Public Meeting

Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. has resubmitted a draft of the Development Master Plan along with supporting documents. The revised Development Master Plan will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on July 29, 2024. The Planning and Development Committee will be making a decision on the plan’s endorsement.

March 2024

Updated noise report and Class 4 designation as per environmental noise guidelines

Lakeview Community Partners has submitted an updated noise report, which verifies the Class 4 noise designation for a portion of Lakeview Waterfront in keeping with the Recommendation Report approved by Council on November 10, 2021, and in accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change’s Environmental Noise Guidelines (NPC-300).

October 2023

Rangeview Development Master Plan Resubmission

Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. has resubmitted a draft of the Development Master Plan along with supporting documents which are currently being reviewed. The revised Development Master Plan will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on November 27, 2023 for information.

May 2023

Minister Allows Developer to Increase Lakeview Village Density

On May 12, 2023, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued an Enhanced Minister’s Zoning Order (EMZO) to permit increased density and other changes for the Lakeview Village development – one of Mississauga’s most important waterfront sites. An EMZO is a tool, permitted under the Planning Act, which allows the Minister to change the use of land, buildings or structures anywhere in Ontario. The City cannot appeal an EMZO.

Learn more about the City’s response to the EMZO.

March 2023

Lakeview Innovation District Community Improvement Plan

The Innovation District will build on Lakeview’s rich historic legacy and strengthen local industry. To support the Innovation District vision, the City is establishing a Community Improvement Plan (CIP). A CIP will allow the City to aid desired uses through financial and non-financial tools for a limited time.
At the February 13, 2023 Planning and Development Committee (PDC) meeting, staff brought forward a report to request that the Lakeview Innovation District be designated as a Community Improvement Project Area. PDC supported the designation and staff are now developing the CIP.

January 2023

Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. has submitted the Rangeview Development Master Plan which sets the frame work for the redevelopment of the Rangeview industrial area within Lakeview. The redevelopment of these lands forms part of the larger vision of reimagining the Lakeview Waterfront and represents the continuation of the work and approvals already done though Lakeview Village to the immediate south. Rangeview Landowners Group Inc. owns 21 properties within Rangeview, representing approximately 65% of all private landholdings in the area. The plans are currently under review and community consultation and refinement will be taking place prior to Council endorsement.

Past development updates

June 2022:

The City conducted a second Lakeview Village Parks online survey. The survey was open from October to December 2021, following which the survey results were consolidated and analyzed.

Thank you to all who participated and provided feedback on the proposed amenities. A summary document has been prepared outlining key survey findings and next steps.

November 2021:

Planning and Development Committee approved the Lakeview Development Recommendation Report at its November 8, 2021 meeting.

October 2021: Lakeview Waterfront Parks online engagement

The City is seeking public feedback, through an online survey, about parkland within the Lakeview Village Waterfront Development. Residents are invited to have their say on park programming and proposed amenities within the parks. Residents have until Thursday, December 9, 2021, to complete the survey. The feedback collected will be used to inform the park design and development. The online survey can be found at

Public Meeting – Recommendation Report

A Public Meeting has been scheduled for November 8, 2021 where staff will bring forward a report addressing the issues and providing a recommendation on the proposal. Planning and Development Committee will be making a decision on the proposal. The meeting will be held in person and online. Further details can be found in the Public Meeting Notice.

For more information, please email or contact us by phone at 311 (905-615-4311 from outside Mississauga.

August 2021: Development Applications Resubmission

Lakeview Community Partners has resubmitted Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning documents. The material is currently under review and can be found on the City’s active development applications page.


November 2020: Development Applications Resubmission

Lakeview Community Partners has resubmitted Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning documents. The material is currently under review and can be found on the City’s active development applications page.

November 2020: Parks Online Engagement

The City is seeking your help identifying what features you want to see prioritized in the future parks at Lakeview Village Development.

Due to COVID-19, the City has postponed in-person public engagement activities based on public health recommendations and the need for physical distancing. Your participation is important. Please review the public engagement site and complete the online survey by January 4, 2021, to have your say.

For more information, please contact Erin Senior, Planner, City of Mississauga at 905-615-4311 or email

September 2020: Public Meeting

A public meeting has been scheduled for September 21, 2020 at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held in person and online. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the public are encouraged to participate online. Advance registration is required to attend the meeting in person due to limited seating.

The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view online. Further details on participation can be found in the Public Meeting Notice.

July 2020: Development Applications Resubmission

Lakeview Community Partners has resubmitted Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning documents.  The material is currently under review and can be found here.

February 2020: Development Applications Resubmission

Lakeview Community Partners has resubmitted Subdivision and Rezoning documents and has submitted an Official Plan Amendment application.  The material is currently under review and can be found here.

February 2020: Community Meeting

A community meeting has been scheduled for February 27, 2020 at 6:30pm at the Mississauga Seniors Centre, at which Lakeview Community Partners will present their proposal for Lakeview Village and residents will have the opportunity to provide feedback. The meeting is being hosted by Councillor Stephen Dasko and City staff will be in attendance.

October 2019: Revised Development Master Plan

Lakeview Community Partners has submitted a revised Development Master Plan and Shadow Study. The revised Development Master Plan will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on October 28, 2019 for endorsement.

August 2019: Revised Development Master Plan

Lakeview Community Partners has submitted a revised Development Master Plan, Traffic Study and Sustainability Strategy which are under review.

May 2019: Lakeview Village Development Master Plan Update

Lakeview Community Partners has submitted a revised Development Master Plan. Review, community consultation and refinement will be taking place prior to Council approval.

March 2019: Development Applications

Lakeview Community Partners has submitted Subdivision and Rezoning applications which are under review.

February 2019: Height Study

The Official Plan sets out building height regulations for Lakeview Village. Buildings that exceed these regulations may be considered upon review of a building height study. Lakeview Community Partners has submitted a Height Study in support of its proposal.

February 2019: Lakeview Village Update

The applicant recently submitted a Traffic Considerations Report in connection with the Inspiration Lakeview project.

October 2018: Lakeview Village Development Master Plan – Initial Submission

The Lakeview Village Development Master Plan sets a framework for the development of “Lakeview Village”, the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) most innovative, unique and exciting waterfront community. Lakeview Community Partners Limited has submitted an initial draft. Review, community consultation and refinement will be taking place prior to Council approval.

August 2018: Lakeview Waterfront Policies In Effect

Subsequent to Planning and Development Committee’s approval of the Lakeview Waterfront Major Node Character Area Policies, on July 4th City Council enacted By-law 0169-2018 (Mississauga Official Plan Amendment 89).

June 2018: Lakeview Waterfront Planning and Development Committee

A report on the policy recommendations is expected to be presented on June 25, 2018 to the Planning and Development Committee (PDC) at 5:30 p.m. at the Mississauga Civic Centre – Council Chamber (300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga). The Corporate Report will be posted one week prior to the Planning and Development Committee (PDC) meeting.

August 2018 Update: The policy recommendations were presented on June 25, 2018 to the Planning and Development Committee. You can view the corporate report on the Planning and Development page of our website.

June 2018: Lakeview Waterfront Community Open House

Staff had prepared revised draft Official Plan policies and invited the public to attend a Community Open House event on June 5 for them to ask questions and share their views.

April 2018: Big News – OPG Sells Lakeview Lands

On March 20th, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) announced the completed sale of its 177-acre Lakeview site to a consortium of developers known as Lakeview Community Partners Limited. The announcement marks another important step forward in realizing the shared vision for a vibrant, sustainable and connected community in Lakeview. Click below to learn more:

Lakeview Community Partners will be hosting the first community engagement event on April 18, 2018 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Waterside Inn (15 Stavebank Road South, Mississauga). The event is open to the public.

January 2018: Revised Draft Lakeview Waterfront Official Plan Policies

Many comments were received through the community meetings and we thank you for your support, questions and insight into the draft policies. Staff have prepared revised draft Official Plan policies. A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee will be scheduled in spring 2018 with the final recommendations on the policies. The City continues to receive public comments.

October 2017: Inspiration Lakeview Innovation Corridor Feasibility Study Underway

The City of Mississauga recently retained Deloitte, along with Urban Strategies, KerrSmith Design and Lord Cultural Resources to undertake the development of the Inspiration Lakeview Innovation Corridor Feasibility Study. The project is a Market Analysis and Economic Feasibility Study for the development of the Innovation Corridor as part of implementing the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan vision. The study will provide recommendations and a strategy to assist the City and local stakeholders to attract new employment and potential institutional uses to the Innovation Corridor. The study area consists of the Serson Place Innovation Corridor and the Serson Campus as identified in the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan, as well as the Small Arms Inspection Building. The study team will be seeking input from key community stakeholders in Mississauga and the broader economic region to help with the study analysis. Stay tuned for more details.

March 2017: Innovation Corridor Study Request For Proposals is Open

The Request For Proposals (RFP) for the Inspiration Lakeview Innovation Corridor Feasibility Study is now available. The City of Mississauga is seeking a multi-disciplinary consultancy team with high profile international experience to undertake the development of a Market Analysis and Economic Feasibility Study for the development of the Inspiration Lakeview Innovation Corridor. This study will support the implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan.

December 5: Public Meeting

A statutory Public Meeting was held for people to ask questions and share their thoughts about the proposed Official Plan policies that support the realization of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan. This public meeting took place on Monday December 5, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mississauga Civic Centre Council Chamber.

November 2016: Public Open House

On November 9, 2016 a Public Open House was held for people to share their thoughts about the proposed Official Plan policies that support the realization of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan.

Download the presentation documents from the Wednesday November 9 Public Open House:

October 2016: Upcoming Public Events

The dates of two public events on the proposed Official Plan policies have been announced. A Public Open House and a Public Meeting will be held for people to ask questions and share their thoughts on the proposed Official Plan policies.

September 2016: Proposed Policies First Step Towards Lakeview Waterfront Revitalization

Council has approved Planning and Development Committee’s recommendation to seek public and stakeholder comment on the proposed Official Plan policies that support the implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan. Stay tuned for details on upcoming public meetings anticipated for November and December.

May 2015: Province Pledges $450,000 to Fund Mississauga’s Lakeview Waterfront Pier Revitalization Project

The Honourable Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance and MPP for Mississauga South, announced $450,000 in provincial funding for Lakeview’s Western Pier, located on Mississauga’s southeastern shores.

July 2014: Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan Circulation

The Inspiration Lakeview Team thanks you for your comments and feedback on the Master Plan. For more information, see the past events page.

June 2014: Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan

On the evening of June 23, 2014, the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan was received by the Planning and Development Committee (PDC). For more information, see the past events page.

May 2014: Community Update

On the evening of May 15, 2014 the Inspiration Lakeview Team hosted a community update to share a draft Inspiration Lakeview master Plan, revised with comments from the public meeting in March 2014. For more information, see the past events page.

March 2014: Community Update and Workshop

On the evening of March 18, 2014 the Inspiration Lakeview Team hosted a community workshop to focus on developing the Master Plan framework for Inspiration Lakeview. For more information, see the past events page.

Green Municipal Fund to help Mississauga turn brownfield into a sustainable waterfront community

The City will use a $175,000 Green Municipal Fund™ (GMF) grant from the Government of Canada toward planning the future of Inspiration Lakeview, a large, former industrial site on Lake Ontario.

Lakeview Waterfront Connection project initiated

The Lakeview Waterfront Connection will create a new natural waterfront park on the eastern Mississauga waterfront. The project is being undertaken by the Region of Peel and Credit Valley Conservation, with support from Toronto and Region Conservation and the City of Mississauga.

City to Draft a Master Plan for Lakeview

The Lakeview lands in southeastern Mississauga, including Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) former Lakeview Generating Station site, will be the subject of a new City of Mississauga Master Plan.

Partners Move Forward on Shared Vision for Lakeview

The City of Mississauga, the Province of Ontario and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that commits them to working together on a shared vision for the future of the Lakeview lands that will benefit the community and families for generations.

Public Invited for Unveiling of Vision for Lakeview

The public is invited to the City of Mississauga Council Chamber next week to see how the ideas of residents, businesses and key stakeholders have created a vision for the future of the site of the former power station in Lakeview.


Send an email to the project team at or contact David Breveglieri, Planner, City of Mississauga at 905-615-3200 extension 5551 or email

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